Monday, April 07, 2008

Things you have always wanted to know!

I have been tagged by my friend, Jenni, to share some interesting info about myself....
Four jobs I have had
1. Sweet Things- Chocolate store
2. Babysitter - all the way through college
3. Catering downtown as a server
4. Pharmacy Tech at Kroger
Four movies that I have watched more than once
1. Legally Blonde
2. Sweet Home Alabama
3. Any of the Disney Classics
4. Pretty Woman
Four Places I Have Lived
1. Walnut Creek, CA (born there)
2. Columbus, OH
3. Minnapolis, MN
4. Avon, IN
Four TV shows I watch
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Biggest Loser
3. Food Network - I know this is not a show but I love anything on here
4. Yankees Vs. Red Sox and praying that the Red Sox are winning!
Four places I have been
1. Paris
2. Hawaii
3. Italy
4. Greece
Four people who e-mail me regularly
1. life group members
2. Mom
3. Martha Table Mates
4. Teona
Four of my favorite foods
1. French Fries
2. any kind of Mexican
3. Dark Chocolate
4. Coke Classic
Four places I would like to visit
1. Cabo San Lucas
2. Hawaii, I know I have already been here but it was a great time!
3. Boston
4. Not sure of a fourth right now...but I know it is some where cool!
Four things I am looking forward to in the next year
1. Big birthday celebrations
Reagan turning 1
Mom turning 50
Rob turning 40
2. Summer fun and watching Reagan take her world in
3. Learning how to sew
4. New house!
Four friends I am tagging
1. Tish
4. Tara

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