Friday, April 18, 2008

Earth quake in Indiana!?!

OK for those Doll House readers that do not live in Indiana, I wanted to make sure that you were aware that earth quakes can happen in Indiana. Rob and I were awaken this morning around 5:30 and not by Reagan but by the movement of our house shaking! For those of you in California this would not be something that would suprise you to experience but for us it took a few minutes to figure out what happened. It was confirmed on the news that in deed it was an 5.2 magnitude earthquake located in southern Indiana - hard to believe we could feel it so many miles away. Good news it that not really any damage or injuries have been reported. There have been several after shocks but we have only felt one around 11am which was 4.5 magnitude.

On a different note - we are going to be participating in the Race for The Cure event in Indy tomorrow morning, if the rain holds off. My Godmother, Teona, is a 20 year survivor!!!

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