Saturday, June 16, 2007

Reagan Elizabeth Doll

Reagan Elizabeth Doll
June 14th, 2007
6 lbs 7oz.
20" Long
Reagan had a mind of her own and deceided she was going to make her entrance into this world on her own schedule. Melissa started to have contractions late on Tuesday night which continued all through the night and into Wednesday. By Wednesday evening we were ready to head to the hospital with contraction only being 3-4 minutes apart - we were so excited! When we got to the hospital we were discouraged to hear only 2cm dilated - they were going to try to send us home. (Melissa was not happy to say the least since she had been in painful contractions for several hours) Once discussing our options we choose to stay the night at the hospital with some pain meds so we could get some sleep. The next morning we still had not progressed so the Dr choose to the help the process along. Reagan's little heart did not like the meds that we were getting so the process took a lot longer than expected. But finally she deceided to enter the world on Thursday at 8:23pm!! (For those of you keeping track that is 48 hours of labor)
She did have a few complications...the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck but our Dr was awesome at getting that taken care of before she was even completly delivered. They quickly found out she was having some breathing problems so she was taken to the NICU. She was placed in an oxygen tent to help her out and quickly bounced back. They have kept her in the NICU for her whole stay but she is doing wonderful now and should be able to come home on Sunday!!

Here are some shots of her first days, let us know who she looks like, we still can not tell...

The proud new daddy
Take a look at that double chin
She loves her pacifier already

Here is the oxygen tent she camped out in for her first few hours of life. She only had to be in there for a little over 12 hours and now she is doing wonderful!

Of course she had to steal the show from her Aunt Kate - they share the same middle name. Kate graduate from The Aveda Institute Friday night so we had to miss it but she came to visit afterwards. Doesn't she look awesome - we are so proud of you Kate!!


Medley Family said...

I have been checking your blog for the update since being notified by my mom through Teona of her arrival. We are so excited for you all! She is absolutely beautiful!!! We cant wait to meet her. We hope you are all doing well. Sorry to hear about the long eventful delivery but God as always pulled through and she looks amazing and healthy! Take care and we hope to meet Miss. Reagan soon!

Jenni said...

Hooray! We're so excited to see her sweet face. Congrats to the new mommy and daddy! Reagan, welcome to the world! We can't wait to meet you in person :)

The Dahlke's said...

We are so excited. Reagan is so gorgeous, she absolutely looks like her mom, sorry Rob. We hope you got some rest before coming home. Happy Father's Day Rob. We cannot wait to meet her.

Our Love,

The Dahlke's

Bell Family said...

She is absolutely beautiful and I believe she looks just like you Melissa, no offense to your husband. Congratulations to both you and your husband. What a wonderful gift. Take care and I will check back for updates.


Terry said...

Praise GOD for His Blessings are Perfect, just like Reagan.
Take care from The Postma's