Thursday, February 01, 2007

Break out the pink...we are having a girl!!

Well, we had the big ultrasound today and of course we have a stubborn child who did not want to let us in on her identity at first. The tech was great though she did everything we could to see the sex and then finally all it took was emptying the bladder giving her a little room so we could see she is a girl!! The beautiful girl is standing right on her mom's bladder which I could have told you before. We are so excited to finally be able to picture our angel as a girl!! Here are some pictures from the ultrasound.
It's a Girl!!!

A leg shot, they said she has big feet!

What a beautiful Face!! You can tell already she is a looker like her mom!

One of arms that was moving all over the place.

The Dr said everything looks great, measuring just as it should for 20 weeks, she weigh 11 ounces! We feel so blessed that we are having a healthy baby girl and that we had an opportunity to see her.

1 comment:

dadmiller said...

I am glad that someone can actually tell what is in these pictures! What a blessing to know and plan for a special little girl in our family! I love you guys.